Enduring the process of divorce can create many emotions and distressing feelings, which can develop into a variety of mental health challenges. For men specifically, there is a common notion that males do not need to talk about their problems or feelings with others. However, seeking help from a therapist means you are taking action for a healthier mindset and wellbeing. Here we cover why is it important you seek a therapist post divorce, and how being proactive can lead you on a path to healing and acceptance.
Unpacking the Emotional Suitcase
After divorce is complete, there can be emotional baggage that weighs heavy on your shoulders. In order to unpack that weight, it can help to speak with a therapist. The psychological impact of divorce on a person varies, but most people walk away with some sort of emotional trauma or turbulent feelings. Not everyone appeals to the idea of therapy. You may be afraid that this means you have failed as a man by not being able to work through it on your own. But, more people nowadays than ever seek help for their mental health. Sometimes life throws us unexpected and painful events, which we cannot always handle alone.
Combating the Stigma
For men who have recently gone through a divorce, there may be a stigma that he is weak or a less of a man for needing help. This is an incorrect assumption. By seeking a therapist, it means you are taking control of your problems, and it is a genuine effort to become the best man you can be. In today’s society, it can be hard for men to find an outlet that enables them to find their own true inner nature and combat their fears. Men may find that talking with their other male friends does not provide an opportunity for vulnerability and heart-to-heart communication. This is where a therapist role can come into play, as they are an unbiased person who can provide that conversation space you desire.
Importance of Dialogue
A therapist will want to make the room as comfortable as possible for you, to help give you a safe space for expressing inner dialogue. By going through the gunk of your divorce, it can assist in improving your overall health. Post divorce, emotions and feelings may be running very high. To help break the ice, your therapist may start by just trying to get to know you as a person a little more. This can give them a sense of who you are and a better understanding of how to approach therapy sessions.
Becoming a Better Parent
As a man and father, the battle for child custody was probably a topic you had to cover during the settlement with your former spouse. Depending on your level of custody, there may be some resentments and anger. Probably one of the most challenging things after a divorce with children, is having to communicate with your former spouse about visitation and decision-making together. By working through these negative emotions towards your former spouse, it can help you become a more effective co-parent.