Dealing with Depression After Loss of a Loved One


Losing a loved one is one of the biggest challenges a person must face. Losing an individual that was a huge part of your life is a struggle for most, but developing an understanding of some factors that surround losing someone you love will make it easier for you to cope. Your body may even physically react to your heartache, and that is to normal considering you are suffering from such a traumatic event. Common physical side effects of grief are pressure in the chest, pain around the heart (the feeling of “heartbreak”, and tightness in the throat when swallowing or trying to speak. Individuals who are grieving may also experience frequent headaches and dizziness, upset stomach, loss of appetite and fatigue. Many are also easily spooked after the death of someone close, and likewise some find it hard to catch their breath or sleep. Oversleeping is also a symptom of grief, as well as only sleeping a couple of hours at a time. Others swear that they see their deceased loved one in a crowd, when it is merely just a stranger who looks like them. The most important thing to understand about loss is that everyone will deal with it, but the way they handle it can differ.


Begin to Move On

The grieving process is vital in overcoming the feeling of sadness and despair. It will aid those who are affected by the loss in remember to embrace the time they had with the deceased. Although moving on can be a tough thing to do, talking with friends and family or a therapist about loss may offer up peace. Isolation or staying in denial about the loss will only prolong the process of healing and can indirectly push those who support and love an individual away. Often times, spending time out of the house and socializing can help, however drinking excessively or overusing recreational drugs will not fill the empty void. Instead, it can cause an addiction or unhealthy habit. It is crucial that those who are experiencing grief taking especially good care of themselves, whether it is by exercising and getting a good amount of sleep every day, or by making sure they had enough to eat and did not skip a meal. If you are experiencing grief and do not possess the ability to take care of yourself or your children, it is vital that you reach out to those around you for help. It is also important that you keep in mind that not being okay is okay sometimes.


Seeking Further Help

If you cannot rid yourself of the anxiety or guilt surrounding your grief, it is advised that you contact a therapist such as the therapist great falls locals turn to. He or she can help you by helping you develop a sleep schedule, helping you overcome your depression, and give you life tools on how to overcome grief and start living happily again.

Lindsey Hoskins and Associates Law Thanks to authors at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates for their insight into Family and couple’s therapy.

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